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掃描二維碼訪問中評網移動版 黑青陣線發新聞稿嗆:“國家暴力”無法容忍 掃描二維碼訪問中評社微信   2014-03-24 12:33:22

  中評社台北3月24日電/“行政院長”江宜樺上午召開記者會點名,“黑色島國青年陣線”就是昨晚學生攻進“行政院”的主使者,上午9點多,“黑色島國青年陣線”透過臉書發布新聞稿表示“國家暴力 無法容忍”。




  【國家暴力 無法容忍】
  Intolerable Violence by the Taiwanese Government

  譴責警方暴力鎮壓佔領“政院”學生 新聞稿 2014/03/24

  Strong Condemnation against the Violent Police Crackdown Oppression to the Students (in front of Executive Yuan ) by Police

  今天凌晨,警方強力驅離佔領“行政院”的學生與群眾,我們強烈譴責“行政院”調派鎮暴警察,用警棍、警盾主動攻擊手無寸鐵的學生,好幾位學生與群眾被警察打的頭破 血流,警方甚至更出動鎮暴水車用強力水柱直接朝著學生噴射,甚至到場支援群眾的醫生和律師都遭到警方無情的鎮壓。據我們調查已有上百位的學生與民眾被送入 醫院,我們已提供醫療跟法律服務。詳細的數字我們也正在向各大醫院確認,目前掌握的以送往至少七家醫院。

  OnIn the early morning, of March 24., 2014, the Taiwanese Police has forced evictionevacuation of the protesting ersstudents and civilians with intolerable violence in front of Executive Yuan, among whom students and civilians. We strongly condemn the violence conducted by the police against the weaponless unarmed students, whom have been attacked by sticks and shields, and even blasted bywith water cannons (normally used to oppress heavily armed criminals.. ) Many students are badly injured badly, and evenand the volunteering doctors and lawyers at the scene were suppressed (treated?) attacked violently as well. According tTo our knowledge, so far, hundreds of injured students and civilians werehave been sent into hospitals, with whom we have provided medical and legal counsel service. We are currently investigating for more detailed and accurate information. It is known sSo far we know that the patients have beenwere sent to at least seven hospitals. 


  Furthermore, we have confirmed that the police excluded the media before the (illegal?) oppressioncrackdown commenced, in order to prevent the media from witnessing their violence against to the protesters., and thenThe police then barred(?) the protesters inside the hall in the Executive Yuan. We I(We?) hereby adamantly demand that the police cease conducting violent actsce againtstagainstto these (armless)unarmed civilians barred inside the Executive Yuan. 


  Such inappropriate conducts by the police, isare against the Principle of Proportionality, and have greatly seriously violated Article 23 inof the Constitution as well as Article 7 inof the Administrative Procedure LawAct.

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