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中評社香港1月20日電(記者 臧涵)據央視報道,當地時間1月19號,美國國防部公布了最新的美國《國防戰略報告》概要,著重指出了美國國防戰略重心的轉移,並呼籲國會在未來國防建設上加大投入。這份概要全長11頁,約占非公開版《國防戰略報告》五分之一的篇幅,理念基於特朗普政府去年12月份出台的《國家安全戰略報告》。
SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JAMES N. MATTIS:Well, good morning, and thank you all for taking time to come and listen to us here.
Again, this is a National Defense Strategy, but what it really is, ladies and gentlemen, this is an American strategy. It belongs to you. You own it. We work for you.
And I would just tell you, Dean Lewis, it's a pleasure for hosting me here today. I owe you a great deal. It's a pleasure to be at a school named for the gentleman that this one is named for, Paul Nitze.
I would just tell you, he was so wise in how he could select people. He picked a young man once and gave him a couch in his townhouse here in town to help him when he first got into national security affairs. That young man he put on his couch was none other than George Shultz, which says something about his ability to see talent at a young age.