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台府院關心慰問甘肅震災 願提供必要協助
http://www.CRNTT.com   2023-12-19 12:22:32

  中評社台北12月19日電(記者 黃筱筠)針對甘肅發生強震帶來人員傷亡與災損,台灣府院皆表達關心與慰問。蔡英文除向不幸罹難人員與家屬致上哀悼、慰問,也請海陸兩會表達台灣願意提供必要協助之意,並期盼各項搶救及災後復原工作順利進行,當地早日恢復正常生活。


  蔡英文推特在用英文寫到,My sincere condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in the recent earthquake in northwestern China. We pray that all those affected receive the aid they need, and we hope for a swift recovery. Taiwan stands ready to offer assistance in the disaster response effort.


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