AIT發言人孟雨荷。(中評社 資料照) |
中評社台北2月13日電(記者 黃筱筠)喜樂島聯盟總召集人郭倍宏醞釀發動獨立公投。AIT今天明確表態,美國反對單方、片面改變現狀,“美方不支持就‘台獨’問題進行公民投票”。
The United States has a deep and abiding interest in cross-Strait peace and stability. Taiwan is a reliable partner, and we appreciate Taiwan’s efforts to maintain peace and stability. The United States opposes unilateral actions aimed at altering the status quo. It has been our longstanding policy that we do not support a referendum on Taiwan independence. Taiwan is a democratic success story, and a force for good in the world. As Vice President Mike Pence said in a 2008 speech, America will always believe Taiwan’s embrace of democracy shows a better path for all Chinese people.