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http://www.CRNTT.com   2025-01-06 00:09:42


  ①Rubio Introduces Bill to Increase Deterrence in the Taiwan Strait | Senator Rubio (senate.gov);Rubio Introduces Taiwan Peace Through Strength Act | Senator Rubio (senate.gov)

  ②Taiwan considers big US defence purchases as overture to Donald Trump (ft.com)

  ③Trump says Taiwan should pay more for defense and dodges questions | AP News

  ④Taiwan Announced a Record Defense Budget: But Is It Enough to Deter China? | Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org)

  ⑤台灣央行關注特朗普貿易政策可能給台灣帶來的風險 (voachinese.com)

  ⑥在特朗普上任前 拜登政府宣布向台積電發放66億美元補助 | 聯合早報網 (zaobao.com)

  ⑦參見柯慶生等在《外交事務》上的筆談《如何避免為台灣而戰?——威脅、保證和有效的威懾》,2022年10月13日,How to Avoid a War Over Taiwan | Foreign Affairs;葛來儀等在《外交事務》發表的文章《台灣和威懾的真正來源——為何美國必須向中國做再保證,而非威脅》,2023年11月30日,Taiwan and the True Sources of Deterrence | Foreign Affairs


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